859-331-1644 Swim Club By-Laws

Welcome to the 2025 Swim Season!

Season info coming soon. To get on a bond waiting list, please email waitlist.beechwoodswimclub@gmail.com.

For other matters, contact beechwoodswimclubky@gmail.com.

Beechwood Swim Club is a private swim club located in the heart of Fort Mitchell, KY. With the convenient location and the expansive landscape, Beechwood provides a family-friendly atmosphere. We have one of the largest pools in the area with diving boards, a children's pool, and dedicated lap lanes.

Pool Opens In


Member Information Form

All members are required to complete a member information form prior to the pool opening on May 24. Starting Opening Day, your family will not be given access to the pool until the membership form is submitted.

Please fill out the 2025 Membership Information Form and email it to beechwoodswimclubky@gmail.com. The form can be found by clicking here.

For people seeking for Beechwood Swim Club membership, we have started a new email address specifically related to our waitlist and membership inquiries. It is: waitlist.beechwoodswimclub@gmail.com

If you have already inquired in the past, you do *not* have send one to the new address. The waitlist / bond / rental inquiries were simply overwhelming our club email address, so we needed to separate them out.

Join our team!

Open Interviews

Positions available

Scan and apply

Questions? Email beechwoodswimclubmanager@gmail.com

Apply Now

Membership Dues

On behalf of the Board of Directors, management and staff welcome to the 2025 Beechwood Swim club Summer Swim Season. As long as the health inspection goes well we will be opening on Sat, May 24th @ 11:00 a.m.. Beechwood Swim Club is a non-profit corporation that is operated by a group of volunteers.

Shelter Rental

Starting May 9 at 8am, you are able to reserve the Pool Shelter on the lower deck and the Shelter area on the upper deck by the Diving Boards. There is a $50 rental fee for the Lower Deck Shelter and a $25 rental fee for the Upper Deck Shelter. There are two sessions for rental (11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) and (4 - 9 p.m.). You can only reserve one of the sessions per day. Please log into your Member Splash account to reserve the shelters.

Bond Transfers

Our treasurer, Eric Mooney, will be at the swim club on the following dates and times to sign bonds over to new members:

  • May 7 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
  • May 14 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

There is a $50 transfer fee that must be paid to the treasurer at the time you want your bond signed over to you.

You can find information about the swim club, such as our bylaws, on our website. Going forward, the most current information such as closures due to weather and things of that nature are posted on our Facebook page. Follow us there to stay up to speed. We look forward to seeing you in a few short weeks!